





1.         中文短論(20%)


2.  Short essay in English (30%)

    Address a brief presentation of research proposal and specify its relationship with your future 

career planning.

3.  中譯英(30%)




(1)      學:資管的教學對象與任務,與資訊領域內的其他學科應有所區分。

(2)      用:資訊教育所沒養的人才,其未來就業發展的方向亦應有所區分。








4. Translation from English into Chinese (20%)

    As members of society we cannot ignore the broader societal issues as the following.

    ECOLOGY: The survival of the human species is dependent on the continued ability of the environment to support life. The state of environment has become one of the most sensitive political issues of our time. Information technology has been playing a role by reducing environmental pollutants, monitoring environmental activities, and providing valuable information as input to policy-making processes.

    GOVERNANCE: The lives and behaviors of human beings are governed, to a greater or lesser extent, by other human beings. Information technology can influence the scope and type of governance greatly. The stereotype of the potential negative impact of information technology on the freedom of society dominated in a ruthless way by the dictator “Big Brother” through electronic means.

    INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND POLITICAL POWER: It is relatively easy for one nation of humans to ostracize or condemn another when national perceptions are filtered through a lens of stereotypes and biases. To the extent that information technology fosters and facilitates communication between individuals from all nations, it holds the potential to reduce these misperceptions and miscommunications.

    POPULATION MOVEMENT: The industrial revolution meant fewer farm jobs, and more jobs in the cities. As a result, there was a massive migration of people from rural areas into urban ones. Cities expanded, while many rural towns stagnated, declined, or even disappeared. Cites grew to represent centers of society, and relatively few people made the reverse trek back to rural areas.

    HEALTH AND MEDICINE: Medicine has long been known as a field that embraces and exploits new technology, and this trend shows no signs of slowing down. Telemedicine is one important example of how the application of information technology continues to advance medicine.

    LEARING EDUCATION: Livelong learning is a noble goal for every human being, and education is the key to the advancement of society. Information technology has the potential to facilitate both.

    EMPLOYMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Unlike earlier applications of information technology, which focused on reducing manual labor (such as the use of computer-controlled robotics in manufacturing plants and the replacement of clerks performing routine accounting computations), later computer applications performed much of the reporting and analysis that had previously fallen on lower-level managers.

    LEISURE, ENTERTAINMENT, AND THE ARTS: Information technology has long held the promise of altering many nonemployment activities for humans, and that promise is being met.